I.I.M.U.N. Digital Conference 54.0

1st – 2nd May, 2021


With a bejeweled opening ceremony, the 54th edition of I.I.M.U.Ns digital conferences was held on the 1st and 2nd of May 2021 on its exclusive digital platform. At the auditorium of our platform, as delegates congregated to begin this edition we welcome our most esteemed guests. The conference began in accordance with our national anthem, followed by a heart warming musical performance by a musician couple - Play back singer Ms - Anusha Mani and composer/producer - Mr Sangeet Haldipur. Following their rejuvenating performance, the delegates heard from H.E Rosalia Arteaga Serrano, former president of Ecuador in conversation with Mr Rishabh Shah as they discussed the role young leaders can play in making the world a better place. An inspiring ceremony followed by thought provoking committees made the weekend an intellectual and cultural take away.