Digital Conference: Climate Change Edition

18th - 19th September, 2020


I.I.M.U.N’s second crisis edition was held on the 18th and 19th of September, 2021 & was themed on Climate Change and the students, from different parts of the country, were divided into 3 committees to discuss the different aspects of climate change ranging from marine life to the usage of plastic.

The conference was inaugurated by Mr. Ripu Daman Bevli, commonly known as the Plogman of India. Mr. Bevli addressed many issues regarding the environment and climate change, followed by answering questions from the students. It was a very informative and motivational segment. At the end of the ceremony, the students were assigned to their respective committee rooms for discussions and debates. Day 1 ended with a Midnight crisis, where a few students gathered together late at night to discuss a crisis situation that was created and given to them on the spot in order to solve.

The second day started with committee sessions wherein the students engaged in debate and paperwork. The conference came to an end with a wonderful closing ceremony which started with a divine and melodious music performance by Mr. Paras Nath, an Indian Flutist followed by the announcement of the winners in the 3 committees alongside valuable feedback from the presiding officers to the participating delegates of their respective committees.