
The fascinating human mind: 8th wonder of the world

Wonders of the world astonishing the glimpse of nature, mesmeric to the eyes of the human mind. Seamlessly capable of making them, and making the best of you, in this era of generation. Regardlessly the human mind and its determination, skills, booming through the centuries, reaching its milestones in various industrial forms of terms called and invented by the human minds are capable of reaching anywhere for their desire.

A 100,000,000 terabyte in small USB to high funda technologies around the corner of the world, is no longer any other than masters of great master the human mind who established and fully created it. Every human mind is a gift to their soul from deep roots within, you are created, that is even more worth than the million-star dust and galaxies in the universe.

What distinguishes humans from other species is not how small or large, dense or scarce our cortical neurons or even a mere piece of dust are, but simply how many of them we have to do the job of navigating through life. The fortune of this human mind is still isn’t discovered and is truly fascinating to the scientists, the experiment of taking technological achievements to the hurdles of life and way of tripping down the valley of the dark abyss, and standing still strong of growing its long way through finding the key doors to life. That incredible piece is ‘you’ the human mind, beyond its out wrecked capabilities, larger than the Hiroshima Nagasaki bomb blast, that’s how powerful is the human mind by using it efficiently to its extreme heft. 

From logical reasoning and understanding symbols to using and even making tools, recognizing itself in the mirror, or planning for the future, there doesn’t seem to be any fundamental functionality of the human mind that is not shared with other species of the creation in this universe. The enough learn to juggle the sound patterns that our tongues produce and weave their meanings into stories of where we came from and where we could go from here, and commit them to symbols that enough know to decipher back into meaning again; and enough learn to teach it all over again, of so is our human mind capable of. Your brain generates about 12-25 watts of electricity. This is enough to power a low-wattage LED light bulb. The human brain and the functioning mind of its kind is an outstanding achievement to any individual, who thinks isn’t capable of reaching and is a useless fellow mate; lazier than ever, just called by or teased, which in turn the individuals depletes themselves and buries it to their 6 feet deep of inner happiness lying inside, wherein they don’t know and are completely distinguishably unaware of their human mind, how miraculously is capable of reaching any milestones on this planet earth, that even have reached beyond the abilities of the sky. 

“There is 2,500,000 gigabytes of storage space in your brain. The top-of-the-line iPhone 7 has 256.” – The L.A. Times

4 replies on “The fascinating human mind: 8th wonder of the world”

The human brain really is a spectacle. No wonder we seek to mimic its abilities through artificial intelligence!

Indeed, the human mind is capable of creating ideas equivalent to that of the atoms of the universe.
Interesting article!

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