National Politics

Bijapur Naxal Attack: An Eye-Opener

Bloodshed is the action behind someone’s anger.  -N. Das On the 3rd of April, a massive encounter(from close range for about 3 hours) took place on the Sukma – Bijapur border of Chhattisgarh. Multiple Intelligence teams – Special Task Force, Central Reserve Police Force, the Cobras-  had been deployed and planned an attack in 3 […]

International Politics

Bonjour Biden

 Effects of Biden’s Presidency on America and its relations On the striking afternoon of 20th January 2021, the United States of America, resonated with the words, “I Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute, the office of the President of the United States and will to the best of my […]

Book Reviews

The Alchemist: A Review

Dreams are meant to be followed. Everything is one thing. Moments are meant to be lived.  The rush of adrenaline caused by reading these statements is what the book leaves you with at the end of the read.  The Alchemist is the story of a young shepherd who is guided by omens and the Soul […]