
Summarizing the Saudi Lebanon Tensions

-Aditi Goel   Lebanon is not Yemen, and Saudi Arabia has no borders with the country.   It all began when Lebanon’s Prime Minister Saad Hariri unexpectedly resigned on Nov 4, saying in a televised speech from Saudi Arabia that he feared for his life from assassination and accused Iran and its proxy Hizbollah of […]


India and Africa Partnership in the twenty-first century.

-Amb. Manju Seth India and Africa share historical ties and many commonalities including a colonial past. Civilisational links between the two have served as the bedrock to deepen their engagement, especially after India’s independence. Many African countries were inspired by India’s non-violent struggle for independence and began their quest to rid themselves from the yoke […]


Our unpredictable and complex world: Can we understand it better?

-Yogendra Kumar   Global uncertainties are growing. There is a sense of crisis, practically, everywhere and the pace and direction of events is becoming increasingly unpredictable. Many of these developments affect adversely the functioning of global, multilateral or regional institutions. Many of these trends are occurring in India’s close proximity and are a matter of […]