
Taliban Beyond Afghanistan

After ISIS’s failed bid in Syria Taliban will be the 1st to establish A terror-based emirate. 

But How did 70,000 Taliban terrorists manage to conquer a country with 40 million people protected by a massive U.S funded army? 

This question brings to light the degree of the deep-rooted fanaticism that runs in the heart of the majority. The PEW survey conducted in Afghanistan during the Non-Taliban times reveals the commitment to ethnofascism.  

Ninety-nine percent of Afghans we’re in favor of making sharia the law of the land. Ninety-six percent believe the conversion of Non-Believers is a religious duty. Additionally, the supporters of medieval misogynistic practices like stoning to death for adultery, obeying husband is wife’s obligation and death for apostasy have gained support from 70-90% of the sharia supporters. The Taliban is not the first barbaric authoritarian theocratic Islamic dictatorship to seize power and seek legitimacy for their way. Several countries across the world exist as theocratic Islamic republics where the medieval sharia law is the law of the land. 

The Taliban takeover snowballed into a larger narrative, a narrative of the bloodless coup and peaceful power transition, but this misogynistic, treacherous Group of religious supremacists are far from being tolerant, Progressive as portrayed in obscurantist headlines. We have already had to mourn our celebrated lensman, Danish Siddiqui. It’s imperative that hailing, whitewashing, and framing the Taliban in a forgiving light is not just shielding the Taliban, but a larger idea of the Taliban, an idea which sponsored the genocide of Kashmiri Pandits in Kashmir, the 9/11 in America, and November 2015 attacks in Paris, there is no peaceful element here.

Karl R. Popper once said, “Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant .. then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them”. The obscurantism surrounding the dance of death and Taliban must agitate each one of us, there is nothing bloodless about this barbaric regime. The witch Hunt has begun and a heartbreaking incident has come forward, A pregnant Afghan policewoman was dragged outside her house and killed in cold blood with a screw-driven inside her skull In front of her son. Of everyone that will suffer, the women in Afghanistan will suffer the most. Women have no place in the cabinet, an all-male acting cabinet has been announced by the Taliban as The terror team laid the foundation of their new government, based on an exclusivist medieval dogma to consolidate their grip on Afghanistan. This terror axis taking shape poses a global risk, with the likes of Sirajuddin Haqqani being the interim Interior Minister.  Sirajuddin Haqqani is a part of the dreaded Haqqani network and has an FBI bounty of up to $10 million. KHALIL-UR-REHMAN HAQQANI, is the uncle of Sirajuddin and is appointed as minister for refugees and has a $5 million bounty on his head. Najibullah Haqqani and Sheik Abdullah Baki Haqqani are also part of the regime. It looks like Almost The entire UN terror list Will be taking oath in the new government formed by the “New Reformed ” Taliban. It is the same old medieval militia with a mask of modernization which it parades around in press conferences, so much for change and tolerance.  Given the Islamist menace unleashed in Afghanistan, it seems accurate to quote Thomas Sowells in this context “As history has also shown, especially in the twentieth century, one of the first things an ideologue will do after achieving absolute power is kill”.

To tolerate this intolerance would be to feed intolerance. As a strong civilizational threat lures around in the region, it is only for time to tell, for how long can the world put off military action, will dismantling the Taliban with military force be an option? Can the Taliban be tamed?

The United Nations Security Council and India have formed red lines for the Taliban, 

“Afghan soil cannot be used to threaten or attack others’ ‘, however, A proxy of the Taliban has given out a call for the Ghazwa-e-Hind. It has also defied the red line Of upholding human rights including those of women. In the face of consistent Betrayal from the IC814 hijacking to the recent call of “liberation” of Kashmir, we must reconsider our charitable assumptions towards this terror organization. If we are to build a robust global community it cannot be based on false theories and lies. For years to come, the Taliban Takeover must not just be remembered as a power transition for wealth, control, or “freedom”, but for what it truly is, a tale of religious fanaticism which drove ruthless barbarians into ripping down the democracy of a nation and the stability of a region.